Sunday, May 13, 2012

queenstown round 2

This weekend's extravaganza began in Queenstown again!! woohoo! Lindsey and I accompanied a large group from Katie's flat and caravanned westward. {Erin's mom is in town so she stayed to play tour guide with her}

without erin, lindsey and i made some other friends

While some of the others went bungee jumping (at the high price, i figure once is enough for me right now), Lindsey and I just walked the town and enjoyed not doing much of anything else. It was pretty great. We spent most of our discussions on what our lives would be like if we lived here... dream big!

future home? i could live with that

our hostel was right next to the gym so we watched people pump iron while we showered and changed
out on the town

 After another big night out in Queenstown (as it usually is), we had a last Fergburger and hit the road north for the glaciers. {we created a story for ourselves on our night out– we were members of a bluegrass band. specifically, we were Yonder Mountain String Band. Did it work? most certainly!}

the yonder mountain string band
what a crew
Lindsey, Katie, Nora, Boo, Julia, Tara, Jake, David, Me

Made a pit stop in Wanaka on our way up.


On the way out of Wanaka, there is this sign: Drink DrIvE. terrifying. As we were driving by, we wanted to get a picture so came to a screeching halt in the road, Boo trying to grab Katie's camera from under the consul to get a picture. The car in front thought we had broken down so they stopped and turned around. It was mayhem. But we got the picture we were going for!

Stop on the side of the road for Thunder Falls:

beautiful, ladies.
katie and nora
the boys trying to ford the river for a better picture
 Then a continued drive (long one at that) to the glaciers.

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