Tuesday, July 23, 2013

GGG fun

ferry ride into Seattle
lovely evening spent painting on the porch of the Rage Cage

our joint efforts

battle wounds from our adventure

Although the trip was cut short for the last minute Asia excursion, the few days I got to spend with these girls were unforgettable. Can't wait to be reunited once again. I LOVE Y'ALL! 
Lindsey's great find

Monday, July 22, 2013

GGG tramping circus part II

After many months apart, the GGG reunited in Seattle and gave a shot at another tramping adventure. An adventure indeed. 

sweet as bro!

what would our time together be without jumping photos?!

things even got a little weird

After a crazy night of thunderstorms (no we didn't bring a tent) and critters,
I woke up to this: 

 And this:

Lindsey and her critters... they just can't stay away. 

What a great trip!

Video to come.