Friday, August 31, 2012

what's new

I know I've been slacking in the blogging department but that doesn't correlate to my lack of existence.  I'm here! And back in good ole Athens, GA. 
So, in the last couple of weeks...

I've been to a couple of Nate's varsity football games

I've had target practice with my new Indonesian dart gun with Mom's furniture

I've been shopping to Costco
what i would've done for a box of these a couple of months ago
I've moved into an apartment downtown with Sam and Nancy (and Gump)
and witnessed sam and gump lovin on the couch
I came back into town just in time for Kappa bid day

We've tortured Bear's dignity

I walk by this lovely strip bar on my way to school every day

I've been missing NZ :(

 I've experienced Athens nightlife and all its wonders

I've been enjoying the convenience of living downtown
(including Lazy Shopper's new live security - find the guy on the fridge)

I went to a Drive-by Truckers show at GA Theater

I ran into some car trouble. (thank goodness for convenient gas stations and car manuals)

I dragged Nate to one of my squash tournaments
thrilled to be there
 I've taken advantage of a kitchen stocked with granola ingredients

 And I'm loving my new apartment! rain or shine!

Friday, August 10, 2012

home again, home again

I ended up getting a flight a couple of days earlier than planned.  And, I'm so glad. Sometimes, the gift of time is the greatest gift of all.  As much as I enjoyed Indonesia, some time at home was great for unpacking, packing for school, and moving into my unseen apartment all within a couple of days before school starts. 
The nice man in the Jakarta airport got me an exit row seat upstairs, so I basically had so much room for activities such as jumping jacks to keep myself awake.  The advice given to me was to stay awake on the first flight and sleep the whole second one. It was painfully difficult to do so. I arrived in Seoul to talk my way into an earlier standby flight and continue my struggle to stay awake. I got on that earlier flight and was home in Atlanta by midday! What a surprise for everyone! 

welcome home tears
Nate and me in Mom's lovely sign
and I'm home!
The 3 of us had a delicious Taqueria Del Sol lunch! (oh how i've missed Mexican food! - probably  more than anything else.) And before I coud get home, we were at the phone store to get me hooked up again. Then it was straight to the squash gym to beat up on Paps.  Mom made a delicious dinner (again, how I've missed home cooked, family meals!) and my favorite– strawberry-rhubarb pie! I love it!