Sunday, April 29, 2012

lazy sunday

Our trusty 3rd wheel (erin) decided to ditch us this weekend for some 'other friends.' Well she sure did miss out on some shenanigans.  With her gone, Lindsey, Katie and I planned to go to the Catlins which is just south of here. Come Friday evening, it started raining and The Lucky One (nicholas sparks story with zac efron) looked more and more appealing than riding in the car and camping in the cold rain. So the three of us split a large popcorn and gushed all over the dogs and sexy scenes in the movie. It was delightful. It won't be winning any awards, but it was beautiful. 

We then raided on Cory's poker night with his flat. Katie bought in and Lindsey and I just cheered her on and provided chocolate for everyone. We also discovered Cory's flatmate/kiwi host, Robbie who is quite hilarious and now serves as our Dunedin Owie.  Basically, the night ended with a large sleepover at Lindsey's abandoned flat. Yep, four of us in her double bed. It was snuggly to say the least. (and Robbie is just under 6'6"- doesn't fit well in the best of conditions.)
lindsey, katie, and robbie in his kiwi hat
After only a couple hours of sleep, Lindsey and I headed to the farmers market for a lovely picnic date outside. Tasty, fresh food and lots of happy people. It was great. We then video chatted my family which consisted of a great debate over whether soda should be allowed at Nate's party on Saturday night. Never a dull moment in that house...
With our bellies full of our latest great discovery: Whittaker's peanut butter chocolate, we decided to go for a run along the water. We got down there and felt like we were going to puke chocolate so turned our run into a walk. It turned out to be the best walk ever. We saw lots of dogs and children and people on bikes all out enjoying the nice weather. We talked about life and love and never wanting to leave. Yes, eyes got a little teary.  I literally don't know what I'm going to do without these girls!!!

We then made reservations for the speight's tour round II. And we also discovered video chatting each other! woohoo! So, now we can video chat whenever we're not together. I think we were apart for no more than a matter of minutes the whole weekend. It was great bonding. We got all dressed up and wore dresses for the first time here and conversed over video chat what to wear. The two of us speed walked down to the brewery in twenty minutes (it took us 45 to get home...) and walked through another long tour to get to the unlimited tastings at the end. {there were groupons for the tour so we all racked up on some as cheap, good drinking options.}

and dinner included hops tastings
And we found a poster of The Lucky One where Lindsey's face conveniently fit just in front of Zac Efron:

singing in the rain

fall leaves!

here we are, back on campus
Then we returned to all our friends and made the rounds: Steve's birthday party, then Katie's to rally some troops, then to Cory's flat for prom.  {they have this thing call red card events where each person in the flat gets to pull a red card for the year and make the flat do whatever he wants. So Cory's flatmate's red card event was a mock prom where each couple had to finish two bottles of Scrumpy and dress up as prom dates}  Lindsey was Cory's prom date. Cutest couple. 

fish faces!
scott and conor
The night proceeded to some downtown activities and lots of dancing. It was me, Katie, Scott, Andy and Jacob (Katie's flatmates). We lost Jacob in one of the first bars and then somehow Scotty and I ended up alone so just walked home and crashed. 

And then Sunday was the epitome of a lazy sunday. We ate 'breakfast' that we'd been planning all morning at 3 pm. It was the laziest day ever. And some storms were rolling in so Scott, Lindsey, and I went to go see Avengers 3D. It was awesome. 2 movies in one weekend. wow.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

gone huntin

After our ride on the beach on Monday, Ted mentioned a hunt on Wednesday (ANZAC day - so no school) and said he'd call around to see if he could find me a horse.  Well, I got a call yesterday saying he had a horse if i was interested. Well of course I was! So he picked me up a little after 7 and we headed off to pick up horses and head to the hunt. 

We divided and conquered and had the horses and tack loaded up in no time. From there, it was off to central otago- towards Wanaka/Queenstown.  A couple hours later we arrived to a pasture of trailers in the middle of a huuugeeeee valley with sheep pastures as far as you could see. I was given my horse for the day: a little shit called Ringo. We saddled up, got a briefing from the huntsmen and we were off chasing the hounds!

Flying through sheep pastures, jumping barbed wire fences, and people boozing on flasks of scotch– what an interesting hobby!  After a couple of hours, the hounds finally caught a hare! We all dismounted, cracked a beer, and celebrated the successful hunt.  Then it was back in the saddle and at it again.  More galloping. more whips. more scotch. and more fun.
We finally called it quits when the sun was beginning to set and headed back to the trailers.  As a day well spent, we finished with a big potluck and toasts.

One of the BEST days of my life!!!

Uncle Pete was there taking official photographs- i'll try to get them to show yall.

Uncle Pete!

Tim (who lent me the horse and gear) and me

Ted and GLOM huntsman, Dick

me on Ringo and Tim
jump, hounds!

Monday, April 23, 2012

monday morning wake up call

Well, I started my week off by waking up to a beautiful sunrise over the ocean water while warm in my sandy sleeping bag.  

The GGG's decided to pack up for a little beach sleepover last night. It was a beautiful 20 minute drive through winding roads and sheep pastures. We arrived around sundown so quickly packed our stuff to the beach and set up camp (aka laid out sleeping bags) under some big pine trees.  Within minutes we had a nice campfire going, met some fellow climbers from Christchurch, and had dinner of chips and hummus.

We had a nice photo shoot with our handy lights.

We star gazed and bonded yet some more out on the cold sand.

And woke up to a bright, clear day and had a nice walk along the beach. Got to finally get on some rock. Just messed around on the beach before heading back for classes and real life.  {well i only had a 9 am which I missed to climb a little.... oh well!}
thanks for linds for actually getting out of bed to snap these pictures! 

And other good news: got a call from Ted about riding! {Ted is a good college friend of Imti's (my trainer from home) and lives and rides in Dunedin. I sent him a message a couple weeks ago as he was in the midst of getting married and all those logistics. But I finally heard from him this morning!}  So he asked if I was still keen on riding... of course I am! "Great, I'll pick you up at 4!" was all I got from the conversation. His accent is pretty thick...

At 4, he pulled up in his big, loud jeep and we were off to the barn. Saddled up and headed down the drive towards the beach. Cruised on down the beach, did some flat work, then made our way back along a winding trail through the big dunes. Started at a walk, then trot, and next thing I knew, we were flying through the brush. Good thing my horse knew where to go, cause I couldn't even see a real trail.  A couple of near accidents, but we slide out of the dunes just laughing and smiling. The sunset was setting and we were out of breath; it was a perfect evening. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

funday quote

“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”
- Audrey Hepburn

weekend update

We decided to stay in lovely Dunners for the weekend. And what fun it was! 
Friday was the rugby game vs the Blues. And Highlanders with another W! 

what a fine crew

Lindsey and I found a shopping cart in the road... it became our transportation device.

I finally got to go to the farmers market Saturday morning! It was so, so fun!!!

colin and his big bag o apples
And then we decided to explore the peninsula a bit. First stop: some castle. We drove up only to find out that the entry fee was $20something a person! yea right. So we turned around and drove back out the driveway. Well, with nothing better to do, we decided to have a chinese fire drill and try again. We all rotated and pulled back up to the gates. nope. drove back out again. ok, one last time. Finally, the guy asked, "Did you kids just come through here?" "No, I don't believe we did." "Hmmmm cause there's been another car like yours that has been asking to go in without paying...." Nobody has a car like the cockroach! and nobody has even been to the castle all day!!!! We have it all on film somewhere...

So off we went to Sandfly beach to see penguins and sea lions and play in the sand.
oh and joshy got a black eye last night...

peg leg pirate

every day i'm strugglin 

conor and his penguins somewhere on that hill

GGG 4 life

And we played a ridiculous game where you had to walk exactly in the leader's footsteps. I'm sure we looked silly...


What great friends!